White Papers, Reports and Fact Sheets

Rent Control

NJAA’s overview of the negative effect of rent control in New Jersey.

10-Year Sealed Lithium Ion Battery Smoke Alarms

Read an overview of New Jersey’s new regulations governing 10-year sealed lithium ion battery smoke alarms.

Affordable Housing

NJAA’s background materials in affordable housing in New Jersey.

Economic Impact of the Apartment Industry in New Jersey

Rutgers University’s study on the economic impact of the multifamily industry in New Jersey.

Child Safety Window Guard Compliance in New Jersey

Everything you need to know about complying with New Jersey’s window guard regulations.

Emotional Support Animals

Federal guidance on emotional support animals from the National Apartment Association.

*Requires NJAA member login to view

New Jersey Department of Health Mold Guidelines

Information for renters on New Jersey’s mold guidelines.

Satellite Dish Regulations

An overview of how satellite dish regulations affect the multifamily industry.